
Cucumber Cucumis sativus

Cucumber has been planted 88 times by Growstuff members.

Image of cucumber



living and reproducing in a single year or less

Median lifespan

17 weeks

First harvest expected

12 weeks after planting

Last harvest expected

17 weeks after planting


collard greens collard greens buttercrunch lettuce buttercrunch lettuce Savoy cabbage Savoy cabbage striped cavern tomato striped cavern tomato buttercrunch lettuce buttercrunch lettuce


Cucumber crops

Cucumber plantings

by shiny
by shiny
by shiny

Cucumber harvests

by shiny
by shiny
by shiny
by shiny
by shiny

Cucumber seeds

by shiny
more photos »



Planted from


Harvested for



Image of lemon cucumber

lemon cucumber

Cucumis sativus)

Crop Map

Only plantings by members who have set their locations are shown on this map.

What people are saying about cucumbers

How to save seeds

by shiny,

Beans, peas and corn: remove husks and allow seeds to dry out – this may take a couple of weeks, then remove casings and store.

Pumpkins and melons: seeds need to be washed and set aside to dry for a week or so befor…

beans peas corn corn pumpkin pumpkins melon melons lettuce lettuces celery celery parsnip parsnips carrot carrots leek leeks onions radicchio radicchio cucumbers tomatoes zucchini zucchini capsicum capsica
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Getting ready for spring!

by maco,

I've got seeds either on-hand or ordered for just about everything I'm starting from seed this year. I've been working out what I want to plant, and this is the plan I've come up with for the 72 square feet of my backyard raised beds:

![garden plan](…

arugula arugula basils beet beets cabbage cabbages cauliflower cauliflowers cucumbers eggplant eggplants garlic kale kale lettuce lettuces onions oregano parsley Hungarian wax pepper Hungarian wax peppers bell pepper bell peppers zucchini zucchini yellow summer squash yellow summer squash butternut squash butternut squash sweet potato sweet potatoes tomatoes super sweet 100 tomato super sweet 100 tomatoes chamomiles
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cucumber.. no wait... muskmelon...

by oakandsage,

So I completely don't have the time/energy to keep my crop list up to date, but this year I planted cucumbers. Or I thought I planted cucumbers. It turns out they are armenian cucumbers which are actually a particularly cucumbery variety of muskmelon. Many people like them but …

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Swap/trade (Australia): want large planting containers, will swap for seedlings/seeds/preserves/baked goods/ginger beer

by Skud,

I'm in Thornbury, in the inner northern suburbs of Melbourne, Australia.

Our landlords won't let us replace the lawn with a veg garden, so we can only plant in containers. I'm on my usual spring quest for largish containers, 30cm diameter and above. We especially love the old-style rectangul…

tomatoes cucumbers eggplant eggplants pear pears quinces ginger ginger
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Seeking advice on fledgling plant & bushy thyme plant

by ribbonknight,

The first plant is a cucumber, Mexican sour gherkin, which I've grown from seed. Firstly, yay, the things I grew from seed this year have been way more successful than last year!

The cucumber looks like this: ![alt text](…

cucumbers gherkins thyme thyme
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First strawberry!

by neotoma,

I had the first tiny strawberry of the season today! I'm looking forward to many more.

Also, I transplanted a lot of seedlings into the community garden today: 2 cucumbers, 3 green beans, 2 tongue-of-fire beans, an ornamental [sweet potato](/crops/sweet-…

cucumbers green bean green beans sweet potato sweet potatoes artichoke artichokes lettuce lettuces radish radishes carrot carrots parsnip parsnips sunflower sunflowers strawberry strawberries
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