back yard shaded garden
10/12/2017 - shovelled on compost
Will grow mustard in May 2018
2019-09 - way too much shade from the trees.
2019-10-12 cut back some of the trees shading from the north west
Garden progress
Current plantings in garden
Current activities in garden
Nothing is currently planned here.
Suggestioned companions
Previously planted in this garden
Unknown year

About this garden
Owner: shiny
Collaborators: None
Location: Miramar, Wellington, New zealand
Garden type: raised bed
shiny's gardens
Inactive gardens
- Aro Valley
- backyard near the compost bin
- By the fence
- Churton Park
- concrete
- fairy garden
- Fence garden
- Front lawn pots and potato bags 🍅🍅🥔🥔🥔
- Front yard
- Fruit trees
- Herb planter on the deck
- Kids fence garden
- lettuce garden
- North Garden
- Petone
- Potato bags
- Seed raising trays
- shaded garden behind the garage
- Sunny bed
- Trees in pots
- Vege garden plot 1
- Vege garden plot 2