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Seeds a-starting

by neotoma,

I've started seeds for several kinds of pepper and one kind of tomatillo. Also, horehound and catmint in pots.

My alpine strawberry seeds have finally germinated, and I have tiny wee seedling popping up in peat pots!

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Transplant day!

by inkstone,

I originally wanted to do this yesterday but it rained in the morning so that kinda put a damper on things.

So I did it all today instead! A bunch of the seeds I wintersowed in the milk jugs and soda bottles were getting crowded so it was time to move them to their bigger (permanent) container…

broccoli broccoli anise parsley okra okra Malabar spinach Malabar spinach radicchio radicchio lettuce lettuces tatsoi arugula arugula mizuna spinach spinach
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by melannen,


I'm way too excited about this for somebody my age.

There are a lot of beets coming up. In fact, way more sprouts than seeds I planted?? Do "beet seeds" actually each have more than one seed in them? Am I going to have to figure out how to thin them earlier …

beans beet beets
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by maco,

All the seeds I ordered this year have shown up. I've got seeds for 7 kinds of dye plants, though I won't be planting all of those. Some of them get too big for the space I'm allocated.

I got Burpee's heirloom seeds for summer squash, purple-top white globe turnips, chioggia …

beet beets tomatoes turnip turnips
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by Skud,

I was meant to be working on paperwork type stuff today, but instead I went outside and did violence to a couple of ugly shrubs and dealt with the huge sprawling mess of our alleged "compost" pile.


![Messy shrubs and a big spreading heap of garden refuse](http://farm9.staticflickr.c…

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My Garden to date...

by gotica,

I currently use my wordpress blog to record what is happening with my garden, including progress pictures.

For a back dated view, visit my blog.

The whole blog includes food posts too.

I currently work/grow out of pots and I'm…

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Best place to buy seeds?

by fireandhemlock,

Where do you buy your seeds?

I live in Melbourne and I'm wondering where the best places to find heirloom seeds are? Farmer's market? Local nursery?

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Growing Status

by black_hound,

I have been concerned about my pea planting because we had some unseasonably cold weather after I planted them. But I see a few sprouts from the Cascadia and Mammoth Melting snap peas. The Green Arrow shelling peas have no sprouts so I replanted them today.


snap pea snap peas beet beets radish radishes turnip turnips
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Trying Again

by melannen,

I am a terrible gardener but every year around this time I get a bee in my bonnet anyway, so I have tried again! (I am also the world's laziest gardener, which doesn't help.)

We've had late frosts (and snows!) this year, so since today finally felt like spring, I put in some dollar-store seeds…

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by inkstone,

Warm weather has arrived! Our spring has been unseasonably cool here, which was a marked change from last year when it was unseasonably warm! I looked at my gardening log from last year and I had happy tomato seedlings I'd wintersown in milkjugs already separated out and transplanted into red sol…

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by oakandsage,

Yay, seeds arrived. Gonna go on a planting binge tomorrow. Especially since tomorrow is tomato day!

Got: Golden purslane Watercress Yard long bean Blackeye pea Charentais melon [Cantaloupe](/crops/cantal…

cantaloupe cantaloupes melon melons peas tomatoes beans watercress watercress purslane cauliflower cauliflowers
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I suppose I should write something here

by Phazel,

I just want to say hi to everyone who is checking out the site. Thanks for joining and helping to make Growstuff happen!

Once the weather is right here in Melbourne and everything is a bit more settled, I have plans to start using the site for gardening myself. As a mostly indoorsy sunlight-av…

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