There's so much baking going on here, stuck at home under the nationwide pandemic lockdown – and when we can get eggs we end up with many eggshells. These can be crushed and placed around the base of brassica like cabbage and broccoli. Snails and slugs don't …
Brassica oleracea
How to sow broccoli: Sow seeds indoors and transplant outside
Sun requirement for broccoli: Plant in Full Sun
Broccoli has been planted 85 times by Growstuff members.
Broccoli has large flower heads known as "crowns" that are green to blue-green in color, grouped tightly together atop a thick stem, and surrounded by leaves. Broccoli resembles cauliflower, a different cultivar in its species. It thrives in cool weather.

living and reproducing in a single year or lessMedian lifespan
17 weeksFirst harvest expected
16 weeks after plantingLast harvest expected
19 weeks after plantingHeight
60cmRow Spacing
Broccoli crops
Broccoli plantings
Broccoli harvests
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Romanesco broccoli
sprouting broccoli summer purple
Crop Map
Only plantings by members who have set their locations are shown on this map.
What people are saying about broccoli
The nets are up
by shiny,
Due to the pandemic lockdown, I can't go to the hardware store to get things. I've been in semi-isolation since the start of march, and we've been in nationwide lockdown since last week.
I needed to set up the nets to keep out the white butterfly. I've had to be creative and i've had to recycl…
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Summer broccoli doesn't work
by shiny,
I planted some broccoli at the start of spring.. I grew fast, made long stems and quickly turned into yellow flowers. I conclude the first spring summer months aren't good for brocoli.
So I've got some new seedlings in now, in the heat of summer, hoping that by the time i pu…
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Some of features id like
by shiny,
I like to automate the calculations, analysis, and plain old remembering what has happened in the garden.
Some of the challenges in my garden is knowing when it's too late to planting something, if it will cope with the weather conditions here, and working out what is killing the [tomato](/cr…
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Transplant day!
by inkstone,
I originally wanted to do this yesterday but it rained in the morning so that kinda put a damper on things.
So I did it all today instead! A bunch of the seeds I wintersowed in the milk jugs and soda bottles were getting crowded so it was time to move them to their bigger (permanent) container…
Malabar spinach
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How to grow broccoli
Grown for: flower (27) other (4) stem (1) whole plant (1)
There are 3 growing guides on Open Farm
broccoli is a variety of Brassica oleracea
Alternate names
See who's planted broccoli
Broccoli harvests
shiny harvested 3.
over 4 years ago.
shiny harvested 3.
over 4 years ago.
shiny harvested not specified.
over 4 years ago.
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pgyh will trade locally.
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