Posted by black_hound on 2013-04-15 00:05:05 UTC and edited at 2019-05-18 09:55:07 UTC


Finally some seasonably warm weather.

The peas are shooting up rather quickly. The lettuce has sprouted. Beets are up. Turnip are getting their second set of leaves so I will be thinning them out this week. Radish going strong. And I believe I saw the Swiss Chard starting to break the soil. It's all good!

Interesting bit of something in regards to the beet I have 6 squares. All were planted at the same time and all are the same variety – Detroit Dark Red. The 3 squares that were planted with Burpee seeds were slower to germinate and I have fewer seedlings from each pellet. The other 3 squares that were planted with Botanical Interest seeds came up quicker, stronger, and with more seedlings. So note to self – next planting of beets stick with Botanical Interest seeds.