
black_hound posts

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My garden survived the Hail Storm!

by black_hound,

We had a wicked hail storm here this past Thursday. I've lived in this area for about 25 years and never saw anything like this.

Hail in the herb garden

Pouring hail

I had recently pla…

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The Seed Catalogs are arriving

by black_hound,

Immediately after winter solstice the seed catalogs start arriving. First one is Jung's. Can't wait for the rest to show up. In addition to the obvious OMG SEEDS GARDENING YAY, some of these catalogs have wicked good illustrative artwork.

I know for dead sure that I am planting a whole bunch o…

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Revamped Herb Garden

by black_hound,

I have been meaning to post photos of my herb garden reconstruction that was done in Spring 2013.

Before – Clearly a mess. Way too much time needed for weeding even with mulching.

herb garden before

During the process after t…

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Beans!! Beans all 'round!!

by black_hound,

I planted my bush beans and pole beans on May 27th. They have all germinated and have their first set of leaves and are at least an inch tall. Probably a bit more. Today is June 2? GO BEANS.

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Lessons from the spring garden

by black_hound,

The leaf crops did marvelously. In fact, they are still growing strong since temps have been below average. The peas and root crops were a disaster. Nothing bulbed up particularly well and the peas were all leaf and no bloom. Apparently the nitrogen content of my soil is too high for root crops. …

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State of the Spring Garden

by black_hound,

Finally some seasonably warm weather.

The peas are shooting up rather quickly. The lettuce has sprouted. Beets are up. Turnip are getting their second set of leaves so I will be thinning them out this week. Radish going strong. And I believe…

lettuce lettuces beet beets Swiss chard Swiss chard radish radishes turnip turnips
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Growing Status

by black_hound,

I have been concerned about my pea planting because we had some unseasonably cold weather after I planted them. But I see a few sprouts from the Cascadia and Mammoth Melting snap peas. The Green Arrow shelling peas have no sprouts so I replanted them today.


radish radishes turnip turnips snap pea snap peas beet beets
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