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by malissa,

(Originally posted December 10, 2012 at 11:07)

This afternoon E, earning her gin and tonic with borage flower ice cubes like a boss, identified a tiny rosemary seedling growing in a paving crack in my courtyard. I'm being careful to step around it until I have time to get more dirt to pot it. …

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The trouble with a sustainable life

by malissa,

(Originally posted December 09, 2012 at 01:28)

Pot gardening needs a little extra planning when you've only you and a non-cargo bike to haul large pots and potting mix. The second nearest hardware will deliver, but only once a week and at farmer's market time, which is a bit of a cow. Still, t…

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The tomato triffid, bulbs and planting dates.

by malissa,

(Originally posted December 01, 2012 at 11:47)

One of my tomato plant is now quite tall, taller than me. I was complaining to a friend today that I didn't know where I'd get the next stake from if it had to be taller than 6ft. She, rather wryly I thought, suggested I pinch out top shoots. What…

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by malissa,

(Originally posted December 18, 2012 at 07:40 ) One of my borage plants is limp. I've tried: tying it up, not watering it, watering it. The other, which gets the same sun, water and tying up is as tall and straight as you could hope for. Challenge. The parsley keeps wanting to bolt. It might n…

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Things to plant in shade?

by elfin,

Due to some poor planning on my part, I've got a section of raised garden bed that's completely shaded by asparagus once it's grown out after harvesting. I had some sad little pepper plants there, but they weren't growing at all. They've doubled in size since I moved them to sun.

Any suggest…

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Leaf matter does indeed turn into dirt

by malissa,

The recent rains defoliated the tree faster than usual. The same rains deterred me from clearing up the leaves. That rotting business happens really quickly when you've got enough leaves and enough water.

The sugar snap peas seedlings are less than happy, the brussels sprout is full of vim. B…

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Many things happening!

by melannen,

So, update from last time:

Most of the beets I transplanted are still 'alive', and by 'alive' I mean 'the leaves are sticky-uppy and don't look wilted'. They haven't been growing much, though, so it may be a futile effort (on the other hand, beets have a long growing season, maybe they'll turn…

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Weather in southern England this year.

by jok,

The growing season is all over the place here currently. The winter was still here in Mid May when we had the last snow. We now have the last of the daffs with foxgloves, and all manner of things growing together which normally would never naturally be seen together. This means that with a tem…

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Sourdough tips?

by Skud,

Looks like we're going to start making sourdough bread when I get back from my upcoming trip. I've been baking other kinds of yeast bread for a while now, and have good sources of organic flour, etc. Does anyone have any recommended guides/tips/advice for sourdough baking?

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What's next?

by Skud,

For months now, we've been working on a set of features which we figured was the minimum with which we could launch Growstuff to the public. We wanted people to be able to track what they'd planted, upload pics of what they're growing, find other members near them, and discuss food gardening wit…

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Plant identification?

by maco,

I just got a house, and the front garden has a bunch of things that I don't recognize. Since mulberry, grape, and rhubarb have been identified in that bed, I wouldn't be surprised to find these are also edibles. I just don't know what they are…

rhubarb grapes mulberries
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Garden Design Tools?

by fe2h2o,


I have moved to a new house, with a new garden (really new! As in, the previous owner cleared the bush yard, put in a retaining wall and established grass, immediately before selling it!). We plan to replace the lovely front lawn with more lovely fruit trees and a decent vegie patch. We ha…

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