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Garden-level photos

by vmbrasseur,

Currently it appears I can only add planting-level photos. My garden is so small one photo covers the entire thing, so I'd be posting the same photo for each planting.

Would it be possible to get photos at the garden level?

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New Feature/UX: Add "Plant something" to planting summary page

by vmbrasseur,

I've just planted my (tiny, maybe ill-fated, but still mine) container garden on my balcony.

So I click "Plant" on the home page, fill in the resulting form, and am presented with a nice summary of the crop I just planted.

The problem is that I have 6 different crops to log/plant. It's not…

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spring 2014 seed-starting

by wrdnrd,

On 3/16 (sun.) i tried starting some hot pepper seeds:
- Big Jim @ 5
- fish pepper @ 2

This past weekend i saw that 1 of the big Jim had sprouted! Amazing, since this is a pepper the spouse bought dehydrated at the farmers market, so to have one of them sprout is amazing. Very inte…

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Starting to plant; and rearranging

by juliet,

Shifted the mini greenhouse against the fence earlier in the week; today stacked up some paving slabs by the back door (where greenhouse previously was) and put some herb pots on them. P requests most-used herbs (especially winter herbs) to go here so I shall have to think about this and maybe pl…

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Discovery day in the garden

by malissa,

The invasive, sunlight blocking, and previously thought by me to be a fruitless wonder of a passionflower vine that my neighbours have inflicted on the fence and my tiny garden, turns out to be Passiflora caerulea. I was going to write to next…

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Ready or not, here I come

by inkstone,

Due to the all the snow and cold we've had this winter (comparatively, for this region), I've been lax about prepping for the coming growing season. But I had some time (and containers) so I started wintersowing a bunch of seeds.

![8 wintersown containers](http://distilleryimage10.ak.instagra…

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February harvest!

by melannen,

All of you Australians are making me jealous again, so I decided that if life gives you a Minnesota winter, you make maple syrup, and tapped the big sugar maple out front.

I put one tap in last Friday afternoon - right after what will hopefully be our last big snow - and have gotten about eigh…

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Hope Springs Eternal

by shadawyn,

Right around New Year's Day I start itching to plant things. It's a little ridiculous, because even in our mild Seattle winters, cool weather crops go out–earliest–in February, but more realistically in March-April (or at least, that was my experience from last year).

We bought a house at t…

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The hunt for a Tangerine!

by gotica,

A little while back, I posted about my hunt for a tangerine tree and how fruitless my efforts had been. One supplier put me onto the local wholesaler who, while seeming a bit gruff and abrupt, told me to contact them around November last year.

I didn't get around to it unti…

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Natural pest control

by Dragonfly,

As a newbie to veggie gardening, what natural methods work best for controlling aphids, worms, etc. on the veggie plants?

I have read articles about mixing water, cayenne pepper and a little liquid soap into a sprayer. Has anyone tried this with any success?

I may give it a shot today as w…

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Growing turmeric in North Texas

by Cbaird,

Would love advice on all aspects of growing and harvesting turmeric in North Texas climate!

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good intentions

by spring_rain,

I have a problem. I technically like gardening. I really like the idea of gardening. What I like above all is buying interesting seeds and letting them languish in a cupboard.

Where I fall down is sustaining the willpower to go out every week come wind or rain and maintain the garden. I find…

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