Posted by Doveoscar in Growstuff Feedback & Support on April 17, 2020 at 12:27 and edited at June 08, 2020 at 15:50


Have been looking for a decent "vegetable garden diary" for a while and have recently discovered this site, Am using it in parallel with another whilst I decide whether either is usable or whether the only alternative is to spend time building my own. Critical issues for me which may lead me away from here:

  1. The plant list is restricted, adding plants is available but there's no feedback at all as to whether an addition is accepted, rejected or why. I'd like the ability to add any plant I liked, happy for it to be restricted to my account.

  2. The plant list is quite arbitrary regarding groupings eg there are capsicums and peppers and bell peppers. I don't mind so long as searching is easy (which it is) and adding is easy too.

  3. Adding plants takes too long. I want to add it when I plant it.

  4. Once something's been planted I would like to be able to add dated notes possibly attached to pictures of that crop eg potted on, transplanted etc., rather than edit the note field of the original planting which seems to me the only way I can record progress.

  5. The transplant note referred to above should allow for relocation from one garden to another, but keeping a record of previous gardens. In the UK, a lot of plants start in a propagator under glass, then move to another greenhouse, then maybe outdoors.

  6. When planting, the options "under glass" and "heated" as well as sunny etc are needed.

  7. There should explicit options to record "begin harvest" and "end harvest" especially useful for continuously harvested crops eg radish, lettuce.

  8. Connection to Flickr seems to be how we're expected to upload photos. We should be able to upload pictures direct.

  9. There seem to be a harvest date discrepancy too. The dates look reasonably good predictions, but I have crops predicted to be ready in November and August which are shown with blue "harvesting now" and "3 weeks until harvest) boxes.

Apologies for the length of this, but I think the site is a great concept but it is only half-formed if it's to be a really useful tool.