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I have a plan...

by fe2h2o,

a bit later than I'd intended (the heat/dry has started, so it's not really the time to be planting trees), but given our fig, pink lady apple and pomegranate are really needing to be out of their pots, we'll plant them anyway. The holdup has been in deciding just where to plant them, still all…

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Slow times... because I'm moving

by Skud,

The share house where I'm living is breaking up in December, and that means most of my spring/summer growing has been disrupted :( I started the spring with a lot of garden work and planted lots of things, but now I'm slowing down and trying to eat what's left, rather than start anything new.

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Winter garden planning and planting

by neotoma,

I'm preparing for my winter garden right now, growing collard, pak choi, and tatsoi from seed, with spinach, lettuce, and chard from seedlings. I'm also starting broad beans now, as they overwintered well last year and came up fantastically in the spring.

Since I'm in USDA Hardiness Zone 6b an…

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Pressure-washer recovery

by Pedalcub,

A week or so ago, I came home to discover that my landlord's maintenance guy had pressure-washed the stoop where most of my seedlings were, damaging a number of my plants. Things are recovering slowly.

  • Of the sunflowers I planted, only one is still alive. When I set out most of them in pots,…
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October roundup

by melannen,

So I was two days' drive away from my garden for most of the summer, leaving it in the care of the other people who live here. Now I'm back! I have no idea how the garden went while I was gone - they claim they watered, but everything (as usual for the end of summer around here) was looking pre…

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Transplant carrots or not?

by FedericoMenaQuintero,

Do carrot transplant well at all when they are small? I set up some rows of carrot seeds mixed with radish seeds, but I don't know if the carrots will be amenable to transplanting once they sprout. Has anyone done this?

carrot carrots
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Spiny bastard

by neotoma,

I finally found out what is growing in my flowerbeds along with my vegetables — Solanum quitoense — aka lulo, naranjilla, the spiny bastard.

I bought a few of the fruit last year as a curiosity from a vendor at the farmer’s market— the seeds m…

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Growing Garlic in Perth

by gotica,

Does anyone have tips for growing garlic in Perth, WA?

I planted several cloves back at the start of April and I'm waiting, waiting, waiting for the leaves to dry up and go brown but it's just not happening! I know we're in spring and having what feels like some nice winter we…

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Do I thin squash or not?

by Skud,

I just planted several varieties of squash, some bush-style (zucchini) and some vine-style (spaghetti squash, potimarron). Looking around the internets, the advice is almost universally to plant three seeds in one mound of compost or whatever you're growing them in. What's uncl…

squash squash
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New features: places, help text, bulbs, crop hierarchy, etc

by Skud,

Just pushed a bunch of new things up to the site:

  • The most significant new feature is the "Places" page, which shows where our members are located. This is a fairly trivial use of our geodata, but now we've got all the pieces in place, we'll be able to do maps…
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Decorative Gourds

by gotica,


With the stupid cost to import seeds into West Aust now, does anyone know of WA based suppliers who might carry decorative gourd seeds?

I was able to check Bunnings but they don't, will have a look at Masters tomorrow but if anyone can point in the right direction that would be aweso…

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Swap/trade (Australia): want large planting containers, will swap for seedlings/seeds/preserves/baked goods/ginger beer

by Skud,

I'm in Thornbury, in the inner northern suburbs of Melbourne, Australia.

Our landlords won't let us replace the lawn with a veg garden, so we can only plant in containers. I'm on my usual spring quest for largish containers, 30cm diameter and above. We especially love the old-style rectangul…

pear pears eggplant eggplants cucumbers tomatoes quinces ginger ginger
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