Romanesco Broccoli Brassica oleracea Botrytis group
100% 156/122 daysPlanted 2024-05-01
First harvest expected 2024-09-26
Finish expected 2024-08-31
Harvest months:
in Rosewater, South Australia
Planted by CloCkWeRX
view all CloCkWeRX's plantingsPlanted in 7 - Rosewater Backyard Right
View other plantings, members and more near Rosewater, South Australia
May 2024Progress
156/122 daysQuantity
3 seedsGrowing
Planting is still growing todayGrown from
seedGrown in
not specifiedPhotos
No photos.
No harvests recorded
Seeds saved
Save seedsNo seeds saved
Current activities for planting
Nothing is currently planned here.
Romanesco broccoli Brassica oleracea Botrytis group
First harvest expected 148 days after planting
World Neighbours
Romanesco broccoli
seedlings planted by Urban_Food_Garden in 104 Crompton Street Soldiers Hill Ballarat Victoria Australia
Romanesco broccoli
seedlings planted by Urban_Food_Garden in 104 Crompton Street Soldiers Hill Ballarat Victoria Australia
Romanesco broccoli
seeds planted by CloCkWeRX in Rosewater, South AustraliaOther Romanesco broccoli plantings at the same latitude