Cape Gooseberry Physalis peruviana
How to sow cape gooseberry: Direct seed indoors, transplant seedlings outside after hardening off.
Sun requirement for cape gooseberry: Plant in Full Sun
Cape Gooseberry has been planted 9 times by Growstuff members.
Cape Gooseberries, or Physalis, are a plant species in the genus Physalis and family Solanaceae. They have slightly velvety heart-shaped leaves and produce smooth bright yellow or orange berries wrapped in a papery husk or calyx. They are originally from Peru and are related to tomatillos and husk/ground cherries. Cape Gooseberries grow well without fertilizer and in sandy to poor soils, but they need to be protected from wind. The fruit is sweet with a mildly tart flavor, tastes a bit like pineapple, and can be eaten raw, made into jams, or baked into pies. Unripe fruits are poisonous, harvest when the husk has lost color and dried out.

living more than two yearsFirst harvest expected
12 weeks after plantingHeight
100cmRow Spacing
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How to grow cape gooseberries
Grown for: fruit (4)
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Cape gooseberry harvests
shiny harvested not specified.
almost 6 years ago.
shiny harvested not specified.
almost 7 years ago.
tegan harvested 1 handful, weighing 4 oz.
unknown locationover 9 years ago.
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