Cayenne Pepper
Capsicum annuum
Planted 2013-07-13
First harvest expected 2013-09-19
Finish expected 2013-10-11
Harvest months:
We need more data on this crop in your latitude. There's not enough
info yet to predict harvests.
in UDistrict, Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.
Planted by wrdnrd
view all wrdnrd's plantingsPlanted in Rivendell — Balcony
View other plantings, members and more near UDistrict, Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.
Jul 2013Progress
4228/90 daysQuantity
3 seedsGrown from
seedGrown in
unknown dateNotes
Fish pepper (from D. Landreth Seed Co., 2011). No, not hoping for any peppers from this planting this summer – just want to successfully get a plant going to over-winter for next year. I had a successfully spouted seed earlier this year, but it didn't quite make it all the way to the growing season.
No photos.
No harvests recorded
Seeds saved
Save seedsNo seeds saved
Current activities for planting
Nothing is currently planned here.
cayenne pepper Capsicum annuum
Median Lifespan 90 days
First harvest expected 68 days after planting
Last harvest expected 90 days after planting
World Neighbours
cayenne pepper
planted by neotoma in Washington DC or thereabouts
cayenne pepper
planted by neotoma in Washington DC or thereabouts
cayenne pepper
planted by neotoma in Washington DC or thereabouts
cayenne pepper
planted by neotoma in Washington DC or thereabouts
cayenne pepper
planted by neotoma in Washington DC or thereabouts
cayenne pepper
seedlings planted by annaoj in Columbus, OHOther cayenne pepper plantings at the same latitude