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Rose and Phil. Sometimes Phose and Ril.

Avatar of pwithnall

Cambridge, UK

Member since September 21, 2014

Last Login 2016-04-06 15:19:06 UTC

See other members, plantings, seeds and more near Cambridge, UK

Recent Harvests


radish harvest

whole plant 2015-06-29


radish harvest

whole plant 2015-05-27


planted lettuce
about 9 years ago
planted beet
about 9 years ago
planted cauliflower
about 9 years ago
planted spinach
about 9 years ago
planted cherry tomato
about 9 years ago
harvested 4 individual radishes weighing 0.04 kg
about 9 years ago
planted cherry tomato
about 9 years ago
planted zucchini
about 9 years ago
planted pea
about 9 years ago
planted fava bean
about 9 years ago
planted carrot
about 9 years ago
planted beet
about 9 years ago
planted radish
about 9 years ago
planted carrot
about 9 years ago
planted radish
about 9 years ago
harvested 5 individual radishes weighing 0.05 kg
about 9 years ago
planted basil
about 9 years ago
planted kale
about 9 years ago
planted butternut squash
about 9 years ago
planted lettuce
about 9 years ago
planted spinach
about 9 years ago
planted beet
about 9 years ago
planted coriander
about 9 years ago
planted kale
about 9 years ago
saved butternut squash seeds
about 9 years ago
planted carrot
over 9 years ago
planted bean
over 9 years ago
planted basil
over 9 years ago
planted coriander
over 9 years ago
planted lettuce
over 9 years ago