
All about Chez_stutters

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Chez_stutters hasn't written a bio yet.
Avatar of Chez_stutters

Member since October 07, 2014

Last Login 2014-10-13 00:29:42 UTC

Location not known
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Recent Harvests


lettuce harvest

leaf 2014-10-08


lettuce harvest

leaf 2014-10-06


harvested 1 handful of lettuces
almost 10 years ago
planted snow pea
almost 10 years ago
harvested 10 individual lettuces
almost 10 years ago
planted marjoram
almost 10 years ago
planted lettuce
almost 10 years ago
planted corn
almost 10 years ago
planted zucchini
almost 10 years ago
planted chili pepper
almost 10 years ago