
Trifoliate Orange Poncirus trifoliata

Trifoliate Orange has been planted 1 time by Growstuff members.

The trifoliate orange, Citrus trifoliata or Poncirus trifoliata, is a member of the family Rutaceae.

The species is unusual among citrus for having deciduous, compound leaves and pubescent (downy) fruit.

It is native to northern China and Korea and is also known as the Japanese bitter-orange, hardy orange or Chinese bitter orange.

The plant is reasonably cold-hardy citrus (USDA zone 6) and will tolerate moderate frost and snow, making a large shrub or small tree 4–8 m tall. Because of its relative hardiness, citrus grafted onto Citrus trifoliata is usually hardier than when grown on their roots.

Image of trifoliate orange



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How to grow trifoliate oranges

trifoliate orange is a variety of orange

Alternate names

hardy orange
Chinese bitter orange

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Trifoliate orange harvests

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