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Growstuff helps you track what you're harvesting from your home garden and see how productive it is.

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by juliet,

Dug out compost this week and I have never SEEN so many worms. It was a highly pleasing sight. I've seen a decent number in the raised beds, too. Given that in summer 2011 when we moved in the whole garden was paved over and the ground underneath was compacted clay with virtually no soil life vis…

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Southern hemisphere - what are you planting for winter?

by Skud,

Let's get this ball rolling! I notice there are a lot of antipodeans (mostly Melbournians, ahem, wonder why that is?) signed up so far, so I'd like to know… what are you planning on growing over the winter?

We have some chard that's still going strong from the summer, but I think I'll plant…

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by pomke,

These are just some random ideas after spending an hour on the site:

  • Friends! it would be great if I could friend someone!
  • Friends feed, on the home page (once logged in) having a list of updates from people I'm following.
  • Post comments: replying to a comment is a bit odd, I can only …
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Community Garden - Dandenong Ranges

by pomke,

Hiya everyone!

I thought I'd post quickly about a project I'm trying to get set up, a community garden in my local area. This has mostly come about because I'm on tank water at home and we sadly had to let our veg die during this hot summer we've just had with no water. I've done some scout…

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Requests for new crops

by Skud,

Got a crop that you want to plant, but it's not on the list? Request it here!

A note on non-edible crops: Growstuff is all about edible/food gardening, so our crops database focuses on things that are edible/have culinary uses. For now, we will only be adding edible crops. In future, we …

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Known Issues

by Skud,

This post documents current known issues which may affect people trying to use the site. This post will be updated from time to time to reflect the current issues.

Currently we're in a state of "soft launch". We are allowing signups, but we're not actively publicising the site as we continu…

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Welcome aboard!

by Skud,

Well, here we are. After mumble months of development, we have a real live website. Welcome, everyone! Enjoy yourselves, and if you have any feedback, suggestions, comments, queries, or problems please post them in this forum.

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