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Keeping the bugs away with coffee

by shiny,

Ants, slugs, and snails don't much like coffee. But worms do like it. If, like me, you have an abundance of coffee grounds from staying home, you can sprinkle the coffee around the vege to deter these creatures. It also fertilizes the plants and disappears into the soil after a f…

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pandemic baking - use for those eggshells

by shiny,

There's so much baking going on here, stuck at home under the nationwide pandemic lockdown – and when we can get eggs we end up with many eggshells. These can be crushed and placed around the base of brassica like cabbage and broccoli. Snails and slugs don't …

broccoli broccoli cabbage cabbages
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New user feedback

by Doveoscar,

Have been looking for a decent "vegetable garden diary" for a while and have recently discovered this site, Am using it in parallel with another whilst I decide whether either is usable or whether the only alternative is to spend time building my own. Critical issues for me which may lead me away…

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Growing well and germinations

by Doveoscar,

Upper greenhouse Radishes growing well, coriander, basil, spring onions and mixed lettuce/salad leaves all germinated and growing.

Patio greenhouse Tigerella tomatoes many germinated, small plants still…

tomatoes spring onion spring onions coriander coriander lettuce lettuces basils
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The nets are up

by shiny,

Due to the pandemic lockdown, I can't go to the hardware store to get things. I've been in semi-isolation since the start of march, and we've been in nationwide lockdown since last week.

I needed to set up the nets to keep out the white butterfly. I've had to be creative and i've had to recycl…

broccoli broccoli cabbage cabbages
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Selfies with the harvest.

by shiny,

this is one way to amuse us while in nationwide pandemic lock down image

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new logo concept

by shiny,

Miss 10 made this artwork, as a concept our new logo.

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Wanted: Nanaimo peach budwood (Canada)

by corvi,

As far as I can tell, no nurseries in British Columbia (or the rest of Canada) currently sell the peach variety actually developed and adapted for this area. Local nurseries all seem to import peach trees from big American distributors, who don't offer it. Smaller American nurseri…

peach peaches
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Recipe for kamokamo fritters

by shiny,

Recipe for kamokamo fritters

kamokamo kamokamos
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Japanese ginger.

by shiny,

This plant wants to take over the world. It's that pink ginger you get with sushi. It is pretty magical. It's not the root like regular ginger. Instead, you harvest the pink flower and the pickle it. That why the sushi ginger looks like a pink petal. It is a petal.

I have constrained this [myo…

myoga ginger myoga ginger
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Tomato relish from local heirlooms

by shiny,

The Island Bay tomato plants have been finally turning red. I only got 5 seeds last year, and these sprouted into three plants. - which are now giving huge fruit.

I made some tomato sauce out of these. They're great raw but they are definitely good for sauce too. I…

Island Bay tomato Island Bay tomatoes
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the bumble bee appreciates this artichoke

by shiny,

I left two artichokes, to see how big they'd get. Well, they are enormous. This bumblebee really appreciated them and spent about half an hour feasting on the nectar.

Bumblebee in artichoke flower


artichoke artichokes
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