
Vegetable Garden plot 1

This is the corner plot near the fence, one of three 12.5' x 4' beds for seasonal vegetables. 18" paths between each.

Guiding garden theory: "Better Vegetable Gardens the Chinese Way: Peter Chan's Raised-Bed System" by Peter Chan.

Garden progress

carrot carrot
super late
Aug 2015

not enough data on salad burnet to predict

Current plantings in garden

Current activities in garden

Nothing is currently planned here.

Suggestioned companions

Bonnie Little Bing Compact Cherry Tomato Bonnie Little Bing Compact Cherry Tomato peter pepper peter pepper pineapple tomato pineapple tomato rainbow carrot rainbow carrot

Previously planted in this garden


spinach spinach
broccoli broccoli
romaine lettuce romaine lettuce
lettuce lettuce
snap pea snap pea